Interesting Electives at Farmingdale

There are plenty of great courses offered at Farmingdale.  Many of the courses you’ll take are needed to satisfy requirements for your major but some of your credits will come from elective courses.  These courses can be a lot of fun because you have a variety of different subjects to choose from.  Also, the workload is not always as demanding as your major courses.

There are so many options.  Farmingdale offers a few courses that you maybe wouldn’t expect, such as Anthropology, Horticulture, and Music.  There are over 50 different departments!  There’s something for everybody.  The most important advice I could give to anyone when it comes making your schedule is to register for classes as soon as possible. The school will mail you a notice telling you what date registration will open for you.  If you wait too long, many of the classes that you hoped to take can be full.  Register early!

In my first semester, I needed to satisfy a liberal arts requirement.  As we all know, classes that you don’t like can be boring, so I wanted to choose something that interests me.  I had never learned much about Anthropology in all my years of schooling so I decided that I would take Intro to Anthropology (ANT 100).  It was well worth it.  I learned about a whole bunch of different cultures.  As our final assignment, we all had to do field work which means immersing yourself into an unfamiliar culture.  I went to a Native American feast!


This semester was more flexible in terms of my schedule.  I was able to sign up for more classes that I really wanted to take, and the times that I went to class were way better for me.  For example, I needed to take an art class and I didn’t like most of the options that were available to me.  Then it appeared; Intro to Calligraphy (VIS 104).  I am very pleased with this course.  I always knew what calligraphy was but I never had the chance to actually try it out myself.  It is by far one of the most relaxing classes I have ever taken.  It is a fun way to express yourself.  So far, we have gone over a few different hands (fonts) and finished our first project, which was a quote.  I’ve had good times and I’ve made new friends.  No textbook required!

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Another great class that I’m currently taking is called Principles of Nutrition (BIO 125).  It counts as a liberal arts/science elective and I recommend it to anybody who would like to learn more about a healthy diet/lifestyle.  Nutrition is the science of food.  This class will teach you positive habits such as living a lifestyle of moderation, variety, and balance.  You will learn all about Protein, Carbs, Fats, Vitamins, and their functions.  This class will make you think about what you eat and why.  According to my professor, this class caused many students to pursue becoming registered dietitians!  I have a great professor.  His name is Dr. Poplarski.  He has a bunch of real life experience and amazing new stories to tell us every class that he uses to explain certain concepts. It is never boring.  There are only 4 multiple choice tests and as long as you come prepared to class every time, you will do very well.  I have learned a lot more about what it means to be healthy, and I am glad that I had the opportunity to take a practical class that I can apply to my life.


One last class I will discuss is Ethics (PHI 205).  It is a philosophy class.  I like this class because although there are tests and quizzes, it isn’t really about how much knowledge you can retain.  It is more of a discussion based class.   Most professors lecture to you as you take notes, just so you can be ready for the test.  This class is different because he asks questions, and he wants to hear your opinion.  Every single student is allowed to express their opinions freely and I think it is a nice class for anybody because we have all been in a situation wondering what would be the right thing to do.  That is what ethics is all about; the difference between right and wrong.


As a student at Farmingdale State College, you have many choices.  It is important to pick the courses that will help you make the most out of your college experience.  Grades are important, but don’t pick a class just because it will be easy.  Pick a class that you can have fun with.  I only mentioned a few courses but there are many more.  Choose them wisely, and choose early!