10 Things Every College Student Should Do This Summer
May 23, 2016
From SUNY’s Big Ideas Blog, ideas on how to spend the next several months… 10 Things Every College Student Should Do This Summer
May 23, 2016
From SUNY’s Big Ideas Blog, ideas on how to spend the next several months… 10 Things Every College Student Should Do This Summer
May 16, 2016
Business and Visual Communications students teamed up recently for the Advertising Principles Semester Project, a joint venture designed to give students real-world experience working in the advertising department of a large to mid-size organization. Developed by Professors Carol Lane and David Guarino, the goal was to challenge students to design a strategic plan for an…
May 9, 2016
You may recall last fall’s story about FSC’s rising hip hop artist Oluwaseyi Joseph, which was featured on the college homepage and posted on the SUNY blog, “Big Ideas.” When we last met Seyi (his stage name), he was doing gigs in the metro area and preparing to release some new songs. If you read…
May 9, 2016
The Faculty Resource Network is an NYU-based professional development initiative that sponsors programs for faculty members from a consortium of over 50 colleges and universities. The FRN has published five articles by members of the FSC community in its latest issue of NETWORK: A Journal of Faculty Development. The authors, and their articles include: Dr. Veronica…
May 9, 2016
Samuele Riva ’16 and Tatiana Rosamilia’17 are winners of the 2016 Chancellor’s Scholar-Athlete Award. The Chancellor’s Award honors students who have best demonstrated and been recognized for their integration of academic excellence with other aspects of their lives, which may include leadership, campus involvement, athletics, career achievement, community service or creative and performing arts. Riva is…
May 9, 2016
Spring is the season for awards and honors, and our own Sylvia Nicosia is hogging the spotlight! Sylvia, Director of Web Development & Programming in the Office for Institutional Advancement, was a double winner last week – first from SUNYCUAD and the then from the HighEdWeb Association. Sylvia, along with her web staff, has won…
May 2, 2016
Erica Feldherr, welcome to Farmingdale State College! Erica is the newest Academic Counselor in the “First in the World” Research-Aligned Mentorship program. Her responsibilities include one-on-one counseling, tracking and monitoring student progress, connecting students with support services, teaching courses on the first- and second-year college experience, and working on special events. Erica was a Fulbright…
May 2, 2016
Congratulations to Gina Guerrieri ’16, who is realizing her dream at FSC. Gina is the winner of this year’s Farmingdale Student Alumni Grant, and her $2,000 award is seed money to further develop her new music magazine, Underground Anthems. Gina, a former Rambassador, will graduate this month with a BT in Visual Communications. Her career…
May 2, 2016
Commencement Day, Saturday, May 21; Nold Hall Volunteers are needed to assist at commencement with graduate check-in, robing, lineup, door ushers for guest seating and program distribution ,and reception assistance after each ceremony. Times vary since we have two ceremonies: 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Those who volunteer for the 10 a.m. ceremony are asked…