Mass Shootings from the Victim’s Perspective
9/25/18 10:50am - 12:05pm Gleeson Hall Rom 104
A filmmaker looks at mass shootings and remembers the victims.
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9/25/18 10:50am - 12:05pm Gleeson Hall Rom 104
A filmmaker looks at mass shootings and remembers the victims.
9/28/18 9:30am - 1:30pm Roosevelt Hall, Room 111
Yes, there are homeless students. Find out how you can help.
9/27/18 11:10am Ram Nation Radio
Meet the man who has ridden roller coasters all around the world.
9/27/18 10:50am - 12:05pm Great Room, Ward Hall
Is the LGBTQ community going away?
9/17/18 10:50am - 12:10pm Roosevelt Hall Little Theater
Constitution Day examines the Equal Rights Amendment.
9/17/18 11:15am Front of Laffin Hall
Fight pollution. Go car-free for a day.
9/12/18 7:00pm - 9:00pm Campus Center Ballroom C
The US Patent and Trademark Office will be on campus to teach about patents and how to get one.
9/13/18 12:00pm - 1:00pm Greenley Library, Room 125 (Conference Room)
Journal editors need reviewers. Maybe that's you.
9/6/18 10:30am - 12:30pm Campus Center Lobby
Suicide is a killer. Learn how to prevent it.