Bioscience Alumna Presenting Research at Cell Biology Conference
October 29, 2018

Ashley Padilla

Dr. Azad Gucwa
FSC Alumna Ashley Padilla ’18 (Bioscience) and her faculty mentor, Dr. Azad Gucwa, assistant professor in the biology department, will attendĀ The American Society for Cell Biology’s annual meeting in December, in San Diego, CA. Padilla was awarded $1,700 from the Society’s Minority Affairs Committee to present her work: “Evaluation of Glycosylamides and Glycosyl Benzotriazoles as Novel Anti-Proliferative Agents.” The work is part of a recent collaboration with Dr. Gucwa and Dr. Michael DeCastro, associate professor in the chemistry department. They are working to identify and characterize novel compounds targeting cancer cell metabolism as a therapeutic agent.
Dr. Gucwa will also be presenting a poster: “The Effect of Ack1 Overexpression on the Susceptibility of Lung Cancer Cell Lines to EGFR-inhibiting Antineoplastic Drugs.”
For more information, email Dr. Gucwa, or call 631-794-6177.