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Last updated Tuesday, March 18, 2021 A Publication of the Office of Marketing & Communications

Yes, Farmingdale State College Is a Brand

Maybe you never thought about it, but branding is crucial to a college like Farmingdale, which like every other brand out there – from Coca Cola to NYU – is constantly trying to break through the clutter of the Information Age and deliver its own unique message.

That’s where the Brand Ambassador Program comes in. Sponsored by the Office for Institutional Advancement, it is tailored for faculty and staff who – through their programs and events – want to help reinforce FSC’s brand throughout the campus and across L.I.

How does it all happen? First, sign up for one of the sessions – Marketing 101, Marketing 102, Social Media, Web and Web Writing – being held this month, and in April and May, in Whitman Hall 245. Then, in just 60 minutes, you will learn how Institutional Advancement can help you market your program/event to get the most bang for your buck. IA will help you design programs, flyers, admissions materials, and more, and achieve quality and consistency with your projects, providing help with writing, style, and design.

Consumers trust brands they recognize, so let’s work together to ensure that FSC  represents the best higher education has to offer.

For more information contact Brand Ambassador instructor Katy Greene, digital media manager, IA, at greenek@farmingdale.edu or x2500.

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