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Last updated Tuesday, March 18, 2021 A Publication of the Office of Marketing & Communications

What We Know About the Zika Virus

Thursday, February 18 from 10:50 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.; Gleeson Hall
From Mosquitoes to Microcephaly: What we know about Zika Virus

Zika Virus, a previously obscure, mosquito-borne virus, has been in the news lately with the current outbreak in the Americas, and has been striking fear in pregnant women due to the observed correlation between the virus and microcephaly. This presentation will focus on what is currently known about the Zika Virus, and what still needs to be studied.

This is a Dr. Eleanor Faqohunda Colloquium presented by the School of Arts & Sciences.

Please print out and post this flyer: February 18, 2016 Colloquium Sarah Gross.

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