Vis Comm Adjunct Honored by SUNY
May 15, 2017
William A. Dodge, visual communications adjunct associate professor, has won the State University of New York’s coveted Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching.
“Adjunct faculty are a critical component as SUNY seeks to ensure access, completion, and success for all students, and those honored with this year’s award are the best of the best,” said SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher. “Congratulations to those faculty receiving this award, which recognizes continued excellence in providing SUNY students with effective, motivational instruction that prepares them for success in college and career.”
The two other recipients for 2017 are Maria Randazzo-Davis, business management adjunct associate professor, and Jennifer Mignano-Brady, English/Humanities adjunct assistant professor.
Dodge joined Farmingdale in 1999 and was promoted to adjunct associate professor in 2013. In addition, he is a freelance illustrator, fine artist, photographer, and designer, and accomplished in oils, watercolors, pastels, acrylics and digital media.
His work has appeared often at the College’s Memorial Gallery, and he has exhibited in more than 40 juried exhibits.
Said President Nader about Professor Dodge: “He strives for his own excellence, and instills the same desire for excellence and distinction to the students in his classes. He is smart, well-respected and generous with his time and expertise.”