Talking Substance Abuse With Students
Dr. Jason Kilmer, one of the country’s top alcohol and marijuana researchers, will give a talk for faculty titled “Introduction to Motivational Interviewing Strategies: Discussing Substance Use with Students.”
Says Dr. Kilmer about the presentation: “Increasing attention is being paid to ways to best support students struggling with alcohol use, marijuana or other drug use, mental health issues (including thoughts of suicide), and other student care issues. Many of these issues can escalate throughout college, and early detection and intervention can alter a student’s trajectory to increase the likelihood of student success. Additionally, many of these issues may come up outside a clinical context through conversations with advisers, faculty, staff, or peers. These conversations provide an opportunity to directly address these topics with students or to open the door for a referral to more specialized services.”
Motivational interviewing is a non-judgmental, non-confrontational approach that emphasizes meeting students where they are, in terms of their readiness to make a change, and focuses on eliciting personally relevant reasons to change.
The event is co-sponsored by ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team) and the Health and Wellness Center. For more information, contact Kelsey Russell, Health and Wellness Center; 631-794-6499.
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Published on October 14, 2019