RAM Program Struts Its Stuff in Albany
November 26, 2018

Dr. Beverly Hahn

Joanna Breitman
Dr. Beverly Kahn, program director, and Joanna Breitman, academic counselor, with FSC’s Research Aligned Mentorship (RAM) Program, recently presented on the success of the program at the SUNY Student Success Summit, in Albany.
The summit – SUNY’s first – focused on developing and strengthening academic and support pathways that promote student access, success, and completion. The pair’s presentation – “The Multifaceted Research Aligned Mentorship” (RAM) Program Helps Students Stay on Track Toward Four‐Year Graduation at Farmingdale State College” – expanded on the RAM Program, and how its holistic and comprehensive approach to student advisement assists in increasing four-year graduation rates and academic success.
FSC launched the Research Aligned Mentorship (RAM) Program in 2016, to ensure that students stay on track, succeed academically, and graduate with baccalaureate degrees in four years. The multifaceted program is funded by a $3 million First in the World grant awarded to FSC in 2015 by the U.S. Department of Education.