Trekking China’s Great Wall to Raise Cancer Treatment Funds
April 16, 2018

Jamie Jones
Jamie Jones ’19 has an ambitious schedule planned for the next five weeks. First, as soon as he completes his finals next month, he will return home to the UK, pick up his mom, and the two will immediately depart for a nine-day trip to China.
A fair question would be, “What’s theĀ rush?” Well, Jones is going for as good a reason as there is: he will be raising money for the UK charity, Teenage Cancer Trust. The next question is “Why China?”
Because that’s where the Great Wall is, and Jones will raise money by walking the length of the wall, in a five-day, 40-mile journey. And every British pound and American dollar will go to the charity, because his family is paying all expenses for the trip.

Great Wall of China
“I am completing this trek because it is a good life experience,” said Jones, an architectural engineering technology major, “whilst also raising as much money for charity as possible.”
You can help Jones in his effort two ways: first, you can donate to the cause on the JustGiving website. Second, you can give on campus by visiting Assistant Sports Information Director Ryan Williams’ second-floor office at the Nold Athletic Complex and leave a donation with him.