Running, Walking and Jogging Around the World for Yeardley
April 16, 2018
Tuesday, 4/17, 12 – 2 p.m. Nold Athletic Complex Track
Yeardley Love was a University of Virginia student-athlete who fell victim to domestic abuse that resulted in her death just weeks before her graduation.
Her family created the One Love Foundation, with a mission to end relationship abuse by educating young people about healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors, and empowering them to be leaders driving change in their communities.
Last year, 10 SUNY Athletic Conference campuses came together in a campaign called Around the World for Yeardley, with a goal of running 10 million yards to honor Yeardley Love. The campuses didn’t exactly meet their goal…they shattered it with a whopping 25.7 million yards in 10 days.
This year, SUNY’s goal is to walk, jog or run enough yards to travel the distance around the equator – roughly 44 million yards. FSC is doing its part, with every student-athlete pledging to cover a mile. You can help by joining our athletes in this earth-shaking event.
Yards for Yeardley is sponsored by Title IX Programs; Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; FSC Athletics; Residence Life; and the Student Government Association.
For more information, email Andrea E. Thomas, or call 631-794-6276.
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