Just Turn Out the Lights!
March 26, 2018
As part of Earth Week at FSC, we’re encouraging
everyone to switch off the lights – on campus and at home – when you don’t really need them or are not in the room. That could mean something as simple as watching TV with the lights off, or doing a really good deed for the environment by turning off the lights when you leave your office.
In fact, if we turn off two lights in our homes for an hour every day, we’ll save more than five million kilowatt hours of electricity nationwide, each year. The amount of coal it takes to produce that much electricity could fill the Empire State Building – nearly three times.
Lighting, most of which comes from inefficient incandescent lights, uses about 25% of all electricity in the U.S. Instead, opt for Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs). Even a small change can make a tremendous difference: if every American household traded in just one incandescent light bulb for an efficient CFL, the reduction in pollution would be equivalent to taking 1.3 million cars off the road.
Want to warm the climate? Turn on the lights. Want to preserve the environment? Turn off the lights. Do your part. It’s as simple as that.