SBDC Adviser a State Star
October 2, 2017

Jason Kohl
The New York Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has announced that Jason Kohl, adviser with FSC’s SBDC, has been awarded the 2017 State Star for New York.
The State Star designation recognizes outstanding achievement in high-quality business counseling, and distinguished, long-term service in terms of economic development. Kohl was recently honored at the national SBDC Conference in Nashville.
Kohl joined the SBDC in 2013, with 27 years of business experience. He immediately jumped in to help Hurricane Sandy victims with disaster recovery efforts. He assisted hundreds of small businesses recover, re-open and stay in business. In 2015 his focus shifted to the “Resiliency Calling Effort,” to counsel businesses on long-term survival during Long Island’s economic recovery. To date, Jason has assisted more than 440 small business owners and entrepreneurs, and obtained more than $24 million dollars in small-business grants and/or loans for 165 clients. He is credited with creating and/or saving 1,534 jobs.