SUNY Chancellor Honors FSC High Achievers
April 10, 2017
Six FSC students have won SUNY’s coveted Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. Four of the six received their awards from SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher at a ceremony in Albany. President Nader was also in attendance.

Carly Vittoria (center)

Oscar Polanco-Reynoso (Center)

Shaquille Sailant (center)

Kristine M. Lycke (center)
The winners are:
Carly Vittoria ’17, Nursing. Carly is a member of the Honor Society of Nursing and has appeared on the President’s and Dean’s lists. She has been an Orientation Leader and is a member of the Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma.
Oscar Polanco-Reynoso ’17, Applied Economics. Oscar has been on the President’s List several times, and he serves as vice president for two student clubs: Economics Club and the United Nations Farmingdale Chapter. He works as a tutor in the foreign language department and interned in the national’s capitol through the Washington Internship Institute.
Shaquille Sailant ’17, Visual Communications. Shaquille has earned spots on the President’s and Dean’s lists. He has done four internships: Newsday Media Group, Canon Solutions America, ClearVision Optical, and S.T.R.O.N.G. Youth.
Kristine M. Lycke ’17, Applied Psychology. Kristine has been named to the President’s List for three straight semesters and was recruited for a RAM Program internship. She is a member of both the Golden Key Honor Society and the Psi Chi Honor Society. She has been a teaching assistant with Dr. Michaela Porubanova in the psychology department and has served as a tutor.
Samantha Stettnisch ’17, Bioscience. Samantha won a Forest Laboratories, Inc. scholarship for academic achievement in Bioscience, and is a three-time winner of the Presidential Scholarship. She is a member of the Golden Key and Tri Beta honor societies. Her passion is research in molecular genetics, cell biology, and microbiology. She plans to do research on Alzheimer’s disease.
Jessica Ann Daddino ’17, Nursing. Jessica has earned spots on the President’s List six times, and is a winner of FSC’s Student Award for Academic Excellence. She also won the American Nurses Association New York’s “Future Nurse Leader” award. She is a member of the Chi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau and the Golden Key Honor Society. She served in the Student Leader Peer Mentoring Program.