FSC a Clean Air Champion!
March 20, 2017
You know that FSC is home to the annual fall rally sponsored
by Car Free Day LI. Now 511NY Rideshare – in recognition of our ongoing commitment to reduce our carbon footprint – has designated the College a Clean Air Champion.
As a Clean Air Champion, we pledge to promote alternative transportation and provide tools to help you switch from driving alone to carpooling, vanpooling, taking transit, or biking to work. By trying a different commute, even just once a week or once a month, you’ll help to reduce harmful vehicle emissions from our air. And you’ll save money and reduce stress too! Sharing a ride, biking or walking to work is not only good for the environment, it’s good for your wallet as well. Help us clean the air in Suffolk, Nassau and the five boroughs and join 511NY Rideshare/Clean Air.
If you have not signed up, you can register through our official Rideshare Portal, where you can find carpool partners and obtain information about your transportation options. You’ll also have access to maps with real-time travel conditions and park-and-ride lot locations. FSC looks forward to helping you discover a new commute that will help you save money and clean the air in New York.
Benefits of 511NY Rideshare
- Save time by taking advantage of the exclusive carpool lane.
- Save money by sharing your commuting costs.
- Be prepared for events and emergencies that could interrupt your commute.
- Be prepared for weather emergencies, HOV restrictions, gas shortages, transit strikes, and construction projects.
- Clean the air to protect your loved ones from asthma and other cardiovascular diseases.