FSC Honor Society Collects Books for Students in Ghana
December 19, 2016

L-R: Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society members Mansi Shah and Deirdre Kearns
More than 400 books have been collected by the FSC chapter of Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society for a new library in Ghana, West Africa.
Twenty-seven boxes of books are being sent to Besease, a poor rural community in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The project, which ran 12 weeks and ended this month, was a campus-wide effort that included Chi Alpha Epsilon students and adviser Gene Peters, in addition to the staff of FSC’s Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). The effort was in partnership with the Give Them a Hand Foundation, an international organization founded by Gordon Tapper, former Chief of Special Sections at the UN , who was on hand to receive the books.
“Being able to be a part of something this amazing is very eye-opening,” said Chi Alpha Epsilon treasurer Deirdre Kearns. “By providing books to students that have a true need you realize what you have and how you can give to others! I am glad that we could provide this simple essential gift of education and reading to young people in other countries.”
Chi Alpha Epsilon recognizes the academic achievements of students admitted to colleges through non-traditional criteria, such as EOP. It promotes high academic standards, fosters increased communication among its members and honors academic excellence.
More books are needed, and if you would like to donate from your collection, visit the EOP Office, 315 Laffin Hall, anytime during the spring semester.