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Last updated Tuesday, March 18, 2021 A Publication of the Office of Marketing & Communications

Protect NY Think Tank Partners with New SUNY College

LaNina Cooke

Dr. LaNina Cooke

FSC’s Protect New York (PNY) is partnering with SUNY’s new College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity (CEHC) to elevate the level of public safety in New York.

PNY is a think tank hosted by FSC that focuses on safeguarding people from terrorism and disaster through research, data and best practices, with the goal of informing policy. The closely related mission of CEHC is to prepare for and protect against natural and human-caused risks and threats to New York State and beyond, through academic programs, research and professional training programs in the field of protection.

Dr. LaNina Cooke, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Interim President of PNY, recently met with the graduate faculty of CEHC (located at the University at Albany) to initiate collaboration in the development of best practices and support of applicable research in the field of protection. Professor John Kostanoski, criminal justice department, also participated. The group also laid plans for a statewide PNY conference on practitioner-oriented protection methodologies and research, and the dissemination of the proceedings of the conference to an international audience through a special issue of the Journal of Applied Security Research.

Says Dr. Cooke: “This relationship will provide the opportunity for researchers and practitioners to collaborate in the determination of best practices, given the mission of Protect New York to work toward the safety of New Yorkers.”

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