Diabetes Awareness Week
November 7, 2016
Monday, 11/14 in the Campus Center, 11/16 and 17 in the Gleeson Lobby
from 11 a.m.-3 p.m
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is sponsoring a Diabetes Awareness Campaign.
Low-carb/sugar-free treats will be available for sale in the lobbies of the Campus Center, Roosevelt, Gleeson, and the EOP Office (Laffin 315).
“Dia-betcha-didn’t-know facts” will be given with each treat and other resource information about diabetes.
Donations to fund diabetes research through organizations such as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Diabetes Association are gratefully accepted.
Watch for the low-carb, sugar-free Dessert Cart throughout the campus.
Please contact the EOP office at 631-420-2230 if you have any questions.