New Nold Hall Lighting Done In-House
June 13, 2016
Those who attended spring commencement, or who have strolled through Nold Hall for other reasons over the past month, may have noticed bright new overhead lighting in the gymnasium.
What you would have noticed is 128 new LED lighting fixtures installed by campus Physical Plant staff one week prior to commencement. These new lights were the first step in what will be the final phase of transforming what was previously a physical education building into a modern NCAA athletic facility. As summer passes, the gymnasium will also be receiving a new floor surface with inlaid wood main basketball court, and an entirely new bleacher system. When done, this will complete what has been a phased transition of the entire building.
Of particular interest is the new lighting system. The 128 LED lighting fixtures will operate at a power consumption level that is dramatically lower than the previous two generations of lights used in this space, while providing a much-improved quality of illumination. To illustrate just how dramatic these cost savings will be, calculated at today’s electric price per kilowatt hour, the original gym lighting would cost $8.24 per hour of operation. The next generation of lights installed in the late 1990’s would cost $5.15 per hour. And the brand new LED lighting is costing an amazing $1.92 per hour. When the extensive hours of operation this space serves is considered…the annual savings is impressive.
There is one more interesting side story to this installation. Due to manufacturing and delivery delays of the new lighting fixtures, the window for installing these lights before spring commencement was a mere five days. Failure to take advantage of this window would have delayed the installation until intersession of 2017 due to scheduling demands on the gym. In a most impressive manner, an all-star team of campus electricians and maintenance workers, led by foreman John Klodzinski, accepted the challenging time-frame and completed the entire installation in an amazing 36 hours.
L-R: Steven Sarcona, Joel Tarantowicz, Glen Havjar, Anthony Trobetta, John Klodzinski, Radoslaw Sobanski, Timothy Hayes, and Peter Kiernan.
Congratulations are due to all these fine men for a job well done, and done with extreme pride.
-John Dzinanka, Director, Physical Plant