“60 Minutes” On Campus
February 15, 2016
Why was the famed “60 Minutes” TV show on campus? You’ll have to wait until early April to find out.
Four crew members arrived at 8 a.m. to be ready for an 11 a.m. interview. There was more equipment than seemed necessary, but you realized the importance of the lights when you checked the monitor. Producers arrived, then the interviewer and interviewee, make-up applied, and by 1 p.m., the process was complete.
The topic is embargoed until early April so that other media outlets won’t scoop “60 Minutes,” but certainly many people in Nold Hall noticed lights, camera and action on February 10. If you’ve watched the show, you know that the stories are thorough and the production values of a very high level.
If you are curious about the date and time, check the March 28 issue Campus Times for more details.