TIAA-CREF Retirement Portfolio
January 18, 2016
March 28, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Math Conference Room, Whitman Hall
Discuss Your Retirement Portfolio with a TIAA-CREF Financial Advisor. Employees who take advantage of personalized, objective advice and financial education can potentially increase their probabilities for a more secure retirement and income they can’t outlive. Advice and guidance can play a key role in improving retirement readiness, helping employees:
• Become more educated about the options in their plan
• Overcome inertia, take action and make informed decisions
• Develop a customized strategy that considers their goals, investment horizon and risk tolerance
• Keep financial planning a top-of-mind objective throughout their career
A survey conducted by a third-party research firm showed that after receiving financial advice, 62% of those surveyed changed their spending habits, 56% increased the amount they save each month and 46% increased the amount they put away for retirement.
Take the first step towards retirement readiness by meeting with a TIAA-CREF financial advisor. A representative from TIAA-CREF will be available for one-on-one meetings on February 1 and March 28, 2016. Employees are encouraged to bring their spouse or significant other to the meeting. Please call 800-732-8353 to schedule an appointment.
If you have questions, contact Kevin Fahy, Human Resources,